Top15: Most Anticipated Movies of 2019
/2018 is over and I can’t help but feel a bit disappointed in the end. Even though I missed a lot of movies, none of the ones I watched was worthy of an A+, turning 2018 into the first year where I didn’t give my top rating to a film.
However, 2019 is already here and looking at its upcoming movies, I have to be not only hopeful but certain that I am going to absolutely love what can be one of the best years in recent cinema history!
This is a pretty straight-forward opinion piece. Having in mind my own personal taste and hype surrounding this new year’s films, I put together a list with 15 of my most anticipated movies of 2019. Now, before you go all crazy on me, let me clarify: this is NOT a list with the movies that I think will be the best of the best. It is a collection of films which I am extremely excited to watch, either due to being following its cinematic universe or franchise since its beginning or because I am a fan of the specific genre’s characteristics.
So, with no further ado, here are my most anticipated movies of 2019!
PS: If you are on your mobile, please turn it to landscape (horizontal) mode, so you can read my thoughts on each movie.