Sometimes I Think About Dying - Review | Sundance 2023


Directed by: Rachel Lambert

Written by: Kevin Armento, Stefanie Abel Horowitz, Katy Wright-Mead

Starring: Daisy Ridley, Dave Merheje, Parvesh Cheena, Marcia Debonis, Meg Stalter, Brittany O'Grady

Runtime: 91 min

Synopsis: Fran (Daisy Ridley), who likes to think about dying, makes the new guy at work laugh, which leads to dating and more. Now the only thing standing in their way is Fran herself.

Editor's Note: Original review was written for InSession Film. Full article can be found below.


Sometimes I Think About Dying tackles social anxiety and loneliness in a purposefully dull yet intriguing fashion. Lingering cinematography, atmospheric score, and a phenomenal Daisy Ridley somehow make it all work, but its uneventful, repetitive narrative won't be for everyone.

Rating: B-

| A+ : 9.3-10 | A: 8.7-9.2 | A- : 8.0-8.6 | B+ : 7.3-7.9 | B: 6.7-7.2 | B- : 6.0-6.6 || C+ : 5.3-5.9 | C: 4.7-5.2 | C- : 4.0-4.6 | D+ : 3.3-3.9 | D: 2.7-3.2 | D- : 2.0-2.6 | F: 0-1.9 |